Edelweiss Airbus A340-300 experienced risky windshear just after revolution

An Airbus A340-300 performing departure from Switzerland encountered a risky windshear.

Saturday, April 6 2024 the Edelweiss Air flight #WK24 to Cancun withdrew Zurich at 13:03 CEST on runway 16.

The A340-300 (enlistment HB-JMF) got airborne yet quickly lost level after revolution until it nearly contacted down once more.

The pilots in the end figured out how to typically recapture a steady trip and proceeded with their flight.

An Airbus A340-300 performing departure from Switzerland encountered a perilous windshear.
Saturday, April 6 2024 the Edelweiss Air flight #WK24 to Cancun left Zurich at 13:03 CEST on runway 16.

The A340-300 (enrollment HB-JMF) got airborne however promptly lost level after revolution until it nearly contacted down once more.

The pilots ultimately figured out how to typically recapture a steady trip and proceeded with their flight.

As per JACDEC, early signs propose the A340 experienced a potential negative windshear.

The airplane is 20 years of age and played out its most memorable trip on October 2023.

The Flying Envoy proposes a tailwind blast is being thought and an examination has been opened.